Facts About Jewelry Engraving - What You Must Be Careful About

When you decide to buy wedding ring sets or engagement rings for yourself and your partner, you may have probably wanted to inscribe something on the jewelry to remind you of your wonderful wedding day and also make sure your wedding ring bears testimony to your great happiness. Engraving rings is a great way to write on your rings what you have in your heart. Here's how it is done.

The first step to engraving would be to choose what you want engraved on the ring. You need to also decide whether you want engraving on only the wedding ring or the entire wedding ring sets. Some people also have a unique way of inscribing half the message on the bride's ring and the other half on the groom's ring as a way of showing togetherness in marriage. You could find a poem, a message, a design or just about anything that you wish your rings to be with forever.

The word forever is very important here. You must ensure that you will not change your mind once you have placed your order for engraving the rings. This is because once the engraving is done; you cannot change it without damaging the rings. So, you need to ensure you are consistent and careful with your choice of engraving for your wedding rings sets.

Another very important thing you must remember about engraving rings is that you must size the rings first and then only give them for engraving. If you engrave first and then size them, some of the inscription may be lost when the sizing takes place. Hence, you must keep this fact in mind when you select rings for engraving.

One more important aspect of engraving wedding rings sets is the choice of hand engraving or machine engraving. Hand engraving techniques are traditional, and can incorporate more intricate designs while also being expensive and time-consuming. Machine engraving is a faster process and also less expensive as compared to hand engraving techniques.

When you ask your jeweler for engraving your rings, you must ensure the jeweler answers your queries about the engraving process in a satisfactory manner. Check out the artisans' previous works, ask for testimonials and reviews and also find out about the insurance for the wedding rings in case the jeweler does not get the engraving done in-house.

You must remember that the process of engraving your rings is a one-time affair just as buying diamond rings for your wedding is. So, you must put in a lot of time and thought before you finalize the engraving process.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lanita_Benge

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